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[聖經舊約] 創世記/第07章
025 巴西
2009/6/22 22:28
來自 台南
文章: 246
等級: 14; EXP: 66
HP: 0 / 341
MP: 82 / 14881

7:1 耶和華對挪亞說:
  「[你] 和 [你的全家] 都要 進入 這方舟;因為 在這一個世代中,[我] 看見 [你] 在 [我的面前] 是 [一位義人]。
7:2 凡潔淨的畜類,你要帶 7 公 7 母;
  不潔淨的畜類,你要帶 1 公 1 母;
7:3 空中的飛鳥,要帶 7 公 7 母,可以留種,存活 在 這全地上;
7:4 再過 7 天,[我] 要 降雨 在 這地上 40 個晝夜、把 [我所造的各種活物] 從 [這地上] 都除滅!」
7:5 [挪亞] 遵照 [耶和華的吩咐] 去 執行了。
7:6 [這洪水] 在 [這地上] 氾濫 的時候,[挪亞] 整 600 歲。
7:7 [挪亞]、[他的妻子]、 [他的兒子們]、[兒子們的妻子們] 都進入了 [這方舟]、躲避 [這洪水]。
7:8 [潔淨的畜類]、[不潔淨的畜類]、[飛鳥]、[地上一切的昆蟲],
7:9 都是 1 對 1 對、有公有母,都到了 [挪亞] 那裡、進入 [這方舟],正如 [上帝] 所吩咐 [挪亞] 的。
7:10 過了 [那 7 天],[這洪水] 在 [這地上] 氾濫了。
7:11 挪亞 600 歲、2 月 17 日 那日
  [大淵的泉源] 都 裂開了,[天上的窗戶] 也 敞開了,
7:12 40 個晝夜 在 [這地上] 降下了 [大雨]。
7:13 正當 [那日],
  [挪亞]、[他的 3 個兒子:閃、含、雅弗]、[挪亞的妻子]、[3個兒子們的妻子們],全都進入了 [這方舟]。
7:14 [他們] 和 [百獸,各從其類]、[一切牲畜,各從其類]、[在地上爬行的昆蟲,各從其類]、[一切禽鳥,各從其類],全都進入方舟。
7:15 [凡有血肉、有氣息的活物],都是 1 對 1 對的、到 [挪亞] 那裡、進入了 [這方舟]。
7:16 [凡有血肉、進入方舟的],都是 有公有母,正如 [上帝] 所吩咐 [挪亞] 的。
  [耶和華] 把 [他] 關 在 [這方舟] 裡面。
7:17 [這洪水] 在 [這地上] 氾濫 40 天,[水] 往上漲,把 [這方舟] 從 [這地上] 漂起。
7:18 [這眾水] 浩大、在 [這地上] 大大的 往上漲,[這方舟] 漂 在 [這眾水] 的 [(臉)面上]。
7:19 [這眾水] 在地上 極其浩大,[全天下的眾高山] 都 淹沒了。
7:20 這眾水]  比 [這眾山] 高過 15 肘 (約 666.75 cm),[這眾山嶺] 都 被淹沒了。
7:21 [凡在這地上、有血肉的動物:飛鳥、牲畜、走獸、在地上爬行的昆蟲] 和 [所有的人類],都 死了。
7:22 [凡在這旱地上、鼻孔有氣息的生靈],都 死了。
7:23 [凡這地上各類的活物],[人] 和 [牲畜、昆蟲、空中的飛鳥],全都 從 [這地上] 除滅了,只留下了 [挪亞] 和 [那些與他同在方舟裡的]。
7:24 這眾水] 極其浩大,在 [這地上] 共 150 天。

發表日期2009/12/14 22:13
上帝的話是我腳前的燈、是我路上的光 <詩篇119:105>

[聖經舊約] 創世記/第06章
025 巴西
2009/6/22 22:28
來自 台南
文章: 246
等級: 14; EXP: 66
HP: 0 / 341
MP: 82 / 14881

6:1 之後,
  當時 [這人] 開始 不斷的增多起來 在 [這陸地] 的 [眾(臉)面] 上、也生了 [女兒們],
6:2 [這上帝] 的 [成員(兒子)們] 看見 [這人] 的 [女兒們] 很美麗,[他們] 娶 [她們] 為 [妻子],全都是他們自己選擇的。
6:3 耶和華 說:
  「[我的靈] 永遠 將不 在 [這人] 的 [裡面] 行審判和相爭辯、也將不 住在 [他的屬肉體(肉慾)];[他的日子] 尚有 120 年。」
6:4 在那些日子裡、之後也是如此,[這巨人們] 存在 [這陸地] 上,
  因為當時候 [這上帝] 的 [成員(兒子)們] 和 [這人] 的 [女子們] 同房,她們 就 為他們 懷孕生了 上古 強壯有威名的人們。
6:5 耶和華 看見 人類 在地上 罪惡很大,終日 所思想的 盡都是 是 罪惡,
6:6 所以,心中 感到 憂傷 的 耶和華 因此 對於 造 人 在 地上 而 嘆氣(呼嘆出 憂傷的 悶氣)。
6:7 耶和華說:
  「我 要 將 所造的 [人] 和 [走獸]、[昆蟲]、[空中的飛鳥],從 這地上 除滅,因為 我 對於 造了 他們 就 感到 嘆氣(呼嘆出 憂傷的 悶氣)。」
6:8 惟有 挪亞,在 耶和華的眼前 蒙恩。
6:9 挪亞的後代,記在下面:
6:10 挪亞生了三個兒子,就是閃、含、雅弗。
6:11 [這世界] 在上帝的面前] 敗壞了、這地上 充滿了 強暴 (殘暴) 的事。
6:12 上帝 觀看 這世界 敗壞了;[凡有血氣的人] 在 這地上 都 敗壞了 行為。
6:13 [上帝] 對 [挪亞] 說:
  「凡有血氣的人,他的盡頭 已經來到了 我的面前;因為 這地上 充滿了 他們的強暴 (殘暴),[我] 要把 [他們] 和 [這地] 一併毀滅掉。
6:14 你 要 用 [歌斐木] 造 [一隻方舟],分一間一間的建造,裡外 都 抹上 松香。
6:15 方舟的造法:
  [長] 300 肘 (約 13335 cm)
  [寬] 50 肘 (約 2222.5 cm)
  [高] 30肘 (約 1333.5 cm)
6:16 [方舟的上邊] 留下 透光處,[高] 1 肘 (約 44.45 cm)
  [方舟的門] 開 在 [旁邊]
  [方舟] 分為 [上]、[中]、[下],共三層
6:17 看哪!
  [我] 要使 [洪水] 氾濫 在 [這地上]、毀滅 這天下,[凡是這地上有血肉、有氣息的活物] 無一不死。
6:18 [我] 卻要 與 [你] 立 約,[你、你的妻子、你的兒子們和兒子們的妻子們,都要 進入 [這方舟]。
6:19 凡有血肉的活物,每樣 2 隻,1公1母,[你] 要 帶入 [這方舟],讓 [牠們] 在 [你那裡] 保全 [生命]。
6:20 [飛鳥] 各從其類,[牲畜] 各從其類,[地上的昆蟲] 各從其類;每樣 2 隻,要帶到 [你那裡] 保全 [生命]。
6:21 [你] 要 拿取 [各樣的食物] 積蓄起來,作為 [你] 和 [牠們] 的 [食物]。」
6:22 挪亞 就 如此行了;凡上帝所吩咐的,他 都 照著 去執行了。

發表日期2009/12/14 22:12
上帝的話是我腳前的燈、是我路上的光 <詩篇119:105>

[聖經舊約] 創世記/第05章
025 巴西
2009/6/22 22:28
來自 台南
文章: 246
等級: 14; EXP: 66
HP: 0 / 341
MP: 82 / 14881

[更新日期] 2011.06.04

[大綱] 亞當的(血緣)族譜(每個人 生完之後 之後 又生了 其他的 眾兒子 和 眾女兒)

5:1 {以下}{是} [亞當] 的 [諸世代/族譜] 的 紀錄冊(書卷):
  在 [上帝] 創造 [人陽單] 的 [日子],乃是 照著 [上帝] 的 [相似之樣式] 來 造了 [人陽單];
5:2 祂 創造了 [男性陽單] 和 [女性陰單]、賜福 給 [他們]、稱呼 [他們] 為「人(類)」,{這都是發生}在 [他們] 被創造 的 [日子]。
5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam.
  In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam,
  in the day when they were created.

章節 人名 生子(血緣)的年齡 生子後再活年數 再活時又生
死亡(一生) 歲(年)數
亞當 活到 130年 生了 塞特 又再活 800年 再活時又生
共活了 930年 就死了
Adam lived 130 y & begat Seth & lived 800y & begat sons
+ daughters
930y He died
[亞當] 活到 130 歲的時候,生了 [塞特],因 [形像 樣式] 和 [自己] 相似,故 起名為 [塞特]。
And Adam lived 130years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:
And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were 800years: and he begat sons and daughters:
And all the days that Adam lived were 930years: and he died.
塞特 活到 105年 生了 以挪士 又再活 807年 再活時又生
共活了 912年 就死了
Seth lived 105 y & begat Enos & lived 807y & begat sons
+ daughters
912y He died
And Seth lived 105years, and begat Enos: Enos: (Heb. Enosh)
And Seth lived after he begat Enos 807years, and begat sons and daughters:
And all the days of Seth were 912years: and he died.
以挪士 活到 90年 生了 該南 又再活 815年 再活時又生
共活了 905年 就死了
Enos lived 90 y & begat Cainan & lived 815y & begat sons
+ daughters
905y He died
And Enos lived 90years, and begat Cainan: Cainan: (Heb. Kenan)
And Enos lived after he begat Cainan 815years, and begat sons and daughters:
And all the days of Enos were 905years: and he died.
該南 活到 70年 生了 瑪勒列 又再活 840年 再活時又生
共活了 910年 就死了
Cainan lived 70 y & begat Mahalaleel & lived 840y & begat sons
+ daughters
910y He died
And Cainan lived 70years, and begat Mahalaleel: Mahalaleel: Gr. Maleleel
And Cainan lived after he begat Mahalaleel 840years, and begat sons and daughters:
And all the days of Cainan were 910years: and he died.
瑪勒列 活到 65年 生了 雅列 又再活 830年 再活時又生
共活了 895年 就死了
Mahalaleel lived 65 y & begat Jared & lived 830y & begat sons
+ daughters
895y He died
And Mahalaleel lived 65years, and begat Jared: Jared: Heb. Jered
And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared 830years, and begat sons and daughters:
And all the days of Mahalaleel were 895years: and he died.
雅列 活到 162年 生了 以諾 又再活 800年 再活時又生
共活了 962年 就死了
Jared lived 162 y & begat Enoch & lived 800y & begat sons
+ daughters
962y He died
And Jared lived 162years, and he begat Enoch:
And Jared lived after he begat Enoch 800years, and begat sons and daughters:
And all the days of Jared were 962years: and he died.
以諾 活到 65年 生了 瑪土撒拉 之後,
300年 再活時又生
共活了 365年 被上帝
Enoch lived 65 y & begat Methuselah And walked
with God
300y & begat sons
+ daughters
365y God
took him
[以諾] 活到 65 歲,生了 [瑪土撒拉];[以諾] 生 [瑪土撒拉] 之後,與 [上帝] 同行 300 年,並且 生育 眾兒女。
[以諾] 共活了 365 歲,[以諾] 與 [上帝] 同行,[上帝] 將 [他] 取去,[他] 就 不 存在 世上 了。
And Enoch lived 65years, and begat Methuselah: (Methuselah: Gr. Mathusala)
And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah 300years, and begat sons and daughters:
And all the days of Enoch were 365years:
And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
瑪土撒拉 活到 187年 生了 拉麥 又再活 782年 再活時又生
共活了 969年 就死了
Methuselah lived 187 y & begat Lamech & lived 782y & begat sons
+ daughters
969y He died
And Methuselah lived 187years, and begat Lamech:
And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech 782years, and begat sons and daughters: Lamech: Heb. Lemech
And all the days of Methuselah were 969years: and he died.
拉麥 活到 182年 生了 挪亞 又再活 595年 再活時又生
共活了 777年 就死了
Lamech lived 182 y & begat Noah & lived 595y & begat sons
+ daughters
777y He died
[拉麥] 活到 182 歲,生了 [1個兒子],給 [他] 起名叫 [挪亞],說:
「[這個兒子] 必 為 [我們的工作] 和 [我們的諸手的勞苦] 安慰 [我們],這 {工作和勞苦} 是 因為 [耶和華] 咒詛 [這地]。」
[拉麥] 生了 [挪亞] 之後,又活了 595 年,並且 又生了 眾兒和眾女。[拉麥] 共活了 777 歲 就死了。
And Lamech lived 182years, and begat a son:
And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed.
And Lamech lived after he begat Noah 595years, and begat sons and daughters:
And all the days of Lamech were 777years: and he died. (Noah: Gr. Noe: that is Rest, or, Comfort)
挪亞 活到 500年 生了 閃、含、雅弗            
Noah lived 500 y & begat Shem
And Noah was 500years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

發表日期2009/12/14 22:10
上帝的話是我腳前的燈、是我路上的光 <詩篇119:105>

[聖經舊約] 創世記/第04章
025 巴西
2009/6/22 22:28
來自 台南
文章: 246
等級: 14; EXP: 66
HP: 0 / 341
MP: 82 / 14881

[更新日期] 2011.06.02

[大綱] [該隱和他的後裔] 與 [亞伯;塞特和他的後裔]

該隱 和 亞伯
4:1 {有一日} [這人] 和 [他的妻子] [夏娃活著的生命] 同房,[夏娃] 就 懷孕了,
  生了 [該隱獲得],就 說:「[耶和華(雅威)名字] 使 [我] 得了 [1個男子]。」
4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain,
  and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. (Cain: that is, Gotten, or, Acquired)
4:2 之後,[她] 又 生了 [該隱獲得] 的 [兄弟] [亞伯虛空]。
  [亞伯虛空] 是 [羊群的牧養者];[該隱獲得] 是 [地面的耕種者]。
4:2 And she again bare his brother Abel.
  And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
  (Abel: Heb. Hebel ) (a keeper: Heb. a feeder)
4:3 [諸日] 的 [結束] 來到,[該隱獲得] 帶著 [地面的出產] 做為 [供物] 前來 獻給 [耶和華(雅威)名字];
4:3 And in process of time it came to pass,
  that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.
  (in process...: Heb. at {the} end of days)
4:4 [亞伯虛空] 也 將 [他的羊群] 的 [頭生的羊] 和 [羊的脂油] 獻上。
4:4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof.
4:4 [耶和華(雅威)名字] 看中了 [亞伯虛空] 和 [他的供物],
4:5 但是 看不中 [該隱獲得] 和 [他的供物];
  [該隱獲得] 因此 極其憤怒、臉色 下沉。
4:4 And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: (flock: Heb. sheep, or, goats)
4:5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect.
  And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
4:6 [耶和華(雅威)名字] 對 [該隱獲得] 說:
  「為什麼 [你] 極其憤怒 呢?為什麼 [你] 臉色 下沉 呢?
4:7 如果 [你] 平常的行事為人 是 善的,豈 不 蒙悅納?
  若非 [你] 平常的行事為人 是 惡的、{人生}朝向 罪惡所躺臥的門口{,因此才不蒙悅納}
  [罪惡] 極其渴望的 想得到 [你],但 [你] 要制伏 [牠]!( [你]不可被罪惡所勝! )」
4:6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen?
4:7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.
  And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
  (be accepted: or, have the excellency)(unto...: or, subject unto thee)
4:8 [該隱獲得] 對著 [他]的兄弟] [亞伯虛空] 說話,
  在田野裡,[時機] 成熟(來到)了,
  [該隱獲得] 就 起身 敵對著 [他的兄弟] [亞伯虛空]、殺了 [他]。
4:8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother:
  and it came to pass, when they were in the field,
  that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
4:9 [耶和華(雅威)名字] 對 [該隱獲得] 說:「[你的兄弟] [亞伯虛空]在哪裡?」
  [他] 說:「不知道![我] 豈是 看守 [我的兄弟] 的 嗎?!」
4:9 And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother?
  And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?
4:10 [耶和華(雅威)名字]說:
  「 [你] 做了 什麼事 呢?[你的兄弟] 的 [血] 從 [這土地] 發出聲音 向 [我] 哀哭。
4:11 [這土地] 開了口,從 [你的手裡] 接受 [你的兄弟] 的 [血],
  現在,[你] 必 從 [這土地] 受咒詛!
4:12 [你] 耕種 [這土地],但是,[這土地] 不再 為 [你] 效力!
  [你] 必 漂泊 流浪 於 [這陸地] 上 !」
4:10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's bloods} crieth unto me from the ground.
4:11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth
  to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
4:12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength;
  a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
4:13 [該隱獲得] 對 [耶和華(雅威)名字] 說:
  「[我的刑罰 ] 太重、過於 [我所能承擔的]。
4:14 看哪!今日,[祢] 驅逐 [我]、使我 離開 [這土地] 的 [眾(臉)面],
  又 使 [我] 離開 [祢] 的 [眾(臉)面]、躲藏(我自己);
  因此,[我] 必 漂泊 流浪 在 [這陸地] 上,
  並且,[凡是 遇見(找到) 我 的人] 必 {因為這弒親案件 而 }殺 [我]!」
4:13 And Cain said unto the LORD,
  My punishment is greater than I can bear. (My...: or, Mine iniquity is greater than that it may be forgiven)
4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the faces} of the earth; and from thy faces} shall I be hid;
  and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth;
  and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
4:15 [耶和華(雅威)名字] 對 [他] 說:「[凡是 殺 該隱 的人],必 遭報 7 倍。」
  [耶和華(雅威)名字] 就 給 [該隱獲得] 立 [1個記號],免得 [凡是 遇見(找到) 他 的人] 就 殺 [他]。
4:15 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.
  And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
[該隱的後裔:拉麥] 和 [塞特的後裔:以挪士]
4:16 於是,[該隱獲得] 就 離開 [耶和華(雅威)名字] 的 [眾(臉)面] 出去了,去 住 在 位於 [伊甸的東邊] 的 [挪得流浪 之 地]。
4:16 And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt inthe landof Nod, on the east of Eden.
4:17 [該隱獲得] 與 [他的妻子] 同房,[他的妻子] 就 懷孕了,生了 [以諾獻身]。
  [該隱獲得] 建造了 [1座城(市)],就 按著 [他的兒子的名字] 將 [那座城(市)] 叫做 [以諾獻身]。
4:17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city,
  and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. (Enoch: Heb. Chanoch)
4:18 [以諾獻身] 生 [以拿]
  [以拿飛逝] 生 [米戶雅利]
  [米戶雅利被神擊打] 生 [瑪土撒利]
  [瑪土撒利屬神的人] 生 [拉麥強壯有力]
4:18 And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begat Mehujael:
  and Mehujael begat Methusael: and Methusael begat Lamech. (Lamech: Heb. Lemech)
4:19 [拉麥強壯有力] 娶了 [2個妻子]:1位 名叫 [亞大裝飾],另1位 名叫 [洗拉蔭影]。
4:19 And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah.
4:20 [亞大裝飾] 生 [雅八水流];[雅八][他] 是 [住帳棚者] 與 [牧養 牲畜 者] 之 [父/祖師爺]。
4:21 [雅八的兄弟] 名叫 [猶八(水)流];[猶八][他] 是 [一切 彈琴 吹簫(牧笛) 者] 之 [父/祖師爺]。
4:20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell intents, and of such as have cattle.
4:21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
4:22 [洗拉蔭影] 也 生了 [土八 該隱帶出該隱(的形象)];[土八‧該隱][他] 是 [每位 銅鐵 工匠] 之 [鎚打磨銳者]。
  [土八 該隱] 的 [姊妹] 是 [拿瑪]。
4:22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron:
  and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah. (instructer: Heb. whetter)
4:23 [拉麥強壯有力]] 對 [他的{2位}妻子們] 說:
  「[亞大]、[洗拉],當來 聽 [我的聲音]!
  [拉麥的妻子們],當來 注意聽 [我的發言]!
  [成年人] 使 [我] 受傷了,[我] 就把 [他] 殺了!
  [少年人] 使 [我] 疼痛了,[我] 就把 [他] 殺了!
4:24 如果 [殺 該隱 的人] 會 遭報 7 倍,
  那麼 [殺 拉麥 的人] 會 遭報77倍!」
4:23 And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice;
  ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech:
  for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.
  (I have...: or, I would slay a man in my wound, etc.) (to my hurt: or, in my hurt)
4:24 If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.
[註1] [拉麥] 在 [他的2位妻子] 面前,耀武揚威、逞兇鬥狠、自誇(殘暴殺人)的能耐:
  [凡是弄傷我拉麥的人],[我] 就殺死 [他們]!
  [凡是殺該隱的人] 遭報7倍?
  哈!我拉麥,告訴你們![凡是殺我拉麥的人],[我] 要 讓 [他] 遭報 77 倍!
  受傷 和 殺死,兩者 有「很大/77倍」的差異,
  如同 不把 [傷我拉麥的對方] 砍了 77 刀 就不能洩恨、不肯罷休 的暴力恐怖個性,
  此外,[拉麥 對 仇敵 的 報仇 有 77 倍],和 [耶穌 對 仇敵 的赦免 有 77 次],兩者有強烈的對比和差異。
[註2] 拉麥的家族:是樣樣富有而不缺的,並且還有銅與鐵製的武器,可誇耀和殺死人!
4:25 [亞當紅色/土] 又與 [他的妻子{(夏娃)}] 同房,[她] 就 生了 [1個兒子],起名叫 [塞特補償],意思是說:
  「[上帝] 另 給 [我] 立了 [1個兒子] 代替 [亞伯虛空],因為 [該隱獲得] 殺了 [他]。」
4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called hisnameSeth:
  For God, said she , hath appointed me another seed insteadofAbel, whom Cain slew.
  (Seth: Heb. Sheth: that is Appointed, or, Put)
4:26 後來,[塞特補償] 也生了 [1個兒子],起名叫 [以挪士軟弱必死的人],
  那時候,[人] 才 被動(被迫)的開始 去 呼求 [耶和華(雅威)名字] 的 [名字]。
4:26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos:
  then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.
  (Enos: Heb. Enosh) (to call ... : or, to call themselves by the name of the Lord)

發表日期2009/12/14 22:07
上帝的話是我腳前的燈、是我路上的光 <詩篇119:105>

[聖經舊約] 創世記/第03章
025 巴西
2009/6/22 22:28
來自 台南
文章: 246
等級: 14; EXP: 66
HP: 0 / 341
MP: 82 / 14881

[更新日期] 2011.06.17

[大綱] 人類受造、違令(犯罪)、受咒詛、被驅逐離開 [伊甸之向東的園子]

人類受造、犯罪、被咒詛、被驅逐/人類 違令 犯罪
3:1 [耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 所造、在田野裡的一切活物之中,[這蛇陽單] 是 (更)狡猾(詭詐)的。
  [這蛇陽單] 對 [女人] 說:
  「[上帝] 確實 說過『不可 吃 園中的所有樹上的果子』嗎?」
3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.
  And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
  (Yea...: Heb. Yea, because, etc.)
3:2 [女人] 對 [這蛇陽單] 說:
  「園中的眾樹的果子,[我們] 可以 (隨時任意的) 吃,
3:3 惟有 [園子中間] 的 [那棵樹上的果子],
  [上帝] 曾經 說過:『[你們] 不可 吃,也 不可 摸,免得 [你們] 死亡。』」
3:2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden,
  God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
3:4 [這蛇陽單] 對 [女人] 說:「不會 有死 die!之後 也 將 不會 有死 not...shalt die
3:5 因為 [上帝] 確實 知道,在 你們吃的那日,從{吃了的}那時候起,[你們的眼睛] 會被開啟、變成 像 [知道 善與惡 的 上帝] 一樣。」
3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof,
  then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
3:6 於是,[女人] 就看著 {這棵樹}
  {這樹} 是 一棵可作為食物的好樹、使人的眼睛看了就渴望想要的、讓人覬覦(貪圖)去擁有(成為)智慧的,
  於是,[她 ]就摘下了 [果子],並且 吃了,
  然後,[她] 也給了 [她的丈夫],[她的丈夫] 也吃了。
3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
  and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise,
  she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her;
  and he did eat. (pleasant: Heb. a desire)
[註] {這樹} 是一棵可作為食物的好樹、使人的眼睛看了就渴望想要的、讓人覬覦(貪圖)去擁有(成為)智慧的...
  [約翰壹書2:16] ...凡世界上的事,就像肉體的情慾、眼目的情慾,並今生的驕傲,
  都不是從 [天父上帝] 來的,乃是從 [這世界] 來的。
  (1) 可作為食物的好樹 <=> 肉體的情慾
  (2) 使人的眼睛看了就渴望想要的 <=> 眼目的情慾
  (3) 讓人覬覦(貪圖)去擁有(成為)智慧的 <=> 今生的驕傲(正如 世界名言:知識就是力量)
3:7 接著,[他們二人的眼睛] 就 被開啟了,[他們] 才知道 [他們] 是 [赤身露體的],
  然後,[他們] 就把 [無花果樹的葉片] 縫製在一起,為 [他們自己] 製成了 [遮身圍裙]。
3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked;
  and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. (aprons: or, things to gird about)
人類受造、犯罪、被咒詛、被驅逐/人類 犯罪 招致 上帝的審判和咒詛
3:8 接著,[他們] 聽見 [這聲音]:[耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 藉隨著 這日的(靈)風}、在這座園子裡 行走;
  然後,[這人陽單] 和 [他的妻子] 就去 躲藏 在 [這座園子裡的眾樹木] 之中、為要 躲避 [耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 的 [眾(臉)面]。
3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the wind of the day:
  and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
[註] [耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 藉隨著 這日的(靈)風、在這座園子裡 行走
  我的魂哪!當稱頌 耶和華!耶和華 我的上帝啊!你真偉大!
  你 以 [輝煌] 和 [尊榮] 為 [衣裳],以 [榮光] 為 [外袍];
  鋪張 [諸天] 為 [簾幔],在 [這眾水] 之中 建立 [(眾)閣樓] 的 [(眾)樑柱];
  安置 [雲彩] 為 [行車],在 [(靈)風的眾翅膀上] 行走 {尋視各地}(或譯:藉著 [(靈)風的眾翅膀] 行走 {尋視各地}/乘風而行);
  以 [(靈)風] 為 [使者],以 [火焰] 為 [僕役],將 [陸地] 立在 [(眾)根基] 上,使 [陸地] 永不動搖。
3:9 [耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 對著 [這人陽單] 呼喚,說:「[你陽單] 在何處?」
3:9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where {art} thou?
3:10 [他] 說:「[我] 聽見 [你在園裡的聲音],[我] 就擔心害怕;因為 [我] 是 赤身露體的,[我] 就躲藏了 [我自己]。」
3:10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
3:11 [祂] 說:「是誰 告訴 [你] 是 [赤身露體] 呢?(莫非) [你] 已經吃了 [我 已吩咐 你 不可吃 的 那樹上的果子] 嗎?」
3:11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree,
  whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
3:12 [這人陽單] 說:「你 所賜給 我、與 我 同居的 [那女人],[她] 把 [那樹上的果子] 給 [我],[我] 就吃了。」
3:12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
3:13 [耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 對 [女人] 說:「[你] 已經做的 這件事 是什麼呢?」
  [女人] 說:「[這蛇陽單] 欺騙了 [我],然後 [我] 就吃了。」
3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done?
  And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
3:14 [耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 對 [這蛇陽單] 說:
  「因為 [你陽單] 已經做了 [這件事],就必 受 [咒詛]、比 [一切的牲畜] 和 [一切在田野裡的活物] 更甚!
  [你陽單] 必用 [肚子] 行走、終身 吃 [塵土];
3:15 並且,[我] 要讓 [你陽單] 和 [女人陰單] 彼此 為 仇,
  [你的後裔陽單] 和 [女人的後裔陽單] 也 彼此 為 仇。
  [他陽單] 將會 擊傷 [你的頭陽單],
  [你陽單] 將會 擊傷 [他的腳跟陽單]。」
3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent,
  Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field;
  upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;
  it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
3:16 接著,{耶和華} 對 [女人] 說:
  「[我] 必多多的加增 [你的悲痛] 和 [你的懷胎];
  [你] 將 終身 在悲痛中 生產 [眾後代]。
  [你] 必戀慕 [你的丈夫];[你的丈夫] 必管轄 [你]。」
3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception;
  in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;
  and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. (to thy...: or, subject to thy husband)
3:17 接著,{耶和華} 對 [亞當紅色/土] 說:
  「因為 [你] 已聽了 [你的妻子] 的話、吃下了 [我 已 吩咐 你 不可吃 的 那樹上的果子],
  [這土地/地面] 必 因 [你的緣故] 受 [咒詛],
  [你] 將 終身 在 [悲痛]之中 吃 [土地所生產的] 。
3:18 [荊棘] 和 [蒺藜] 將 因 [你的緣故] 而 發芽 生長,
  [你] 將吃 [田野裡的草本植物]。
3:19 [你] 將 汗流滿面 才能 得到 [食物],一直 到了 [你] 回歸 [塵土] 為止,
  因為 [你] 是 從 [塵土] 中 被取出來的;
  因為 [你] 本是 [塵土],並且 歸回 [塵土]。」
3:17 And unto Adam he said,
  Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree,
  of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it:
  cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; (bring...: Heb. cause to bud)
  and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground;
  for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art , and unto dust shalt thou return.
3:20 [這人陽單] 給 [他的妻子] 取名 叫做 [夏娃活著的生命],因為 [她] 是 [眾生之母]。
3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
  (Eve: Heb. Chavah: that is Living)
3:21 [耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 做了 [皮衣] 給 [亞當紅色/土] 和 [他的妻子],並且 幫 [他們] 穿上。
3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
人類受造、犯罪、被咒詛、被驅逐/人類 因犯罪 而 被驅離 [伊甸之向東的園子]
3:22 [耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 說:
  「看哪![這人陽單] 已經 變成了 與 [我們的其中一位] 相似、知道 善惡,
  現在,要避免 [他] 伸出 [他的手]、也 摘了 [生命樹的果子]、吃了,就能 因此 而 長久(永遠) 活著。」
3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:
  and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
3:23 於是,[耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 就 打發 [他] 出去(離開) [伊甸的這座{向東的}園子],讓 [他] 去耕種 [他所自出之塵土]。
3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
3:24 於是,{耶和華} 把 [這人陽單] 趕出去了;
  並且,{耶和華} 在 [伊甸的這座{向東的}園子] 的 [向東處],
  安置了 [基路伯(天使)] 和 [一把 會轉動 的 火焰之劍],去 看守 [通往 生命樹 的道路]。
3:24 So he drove out the man;
  and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims,
  and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

發表日期2009/12/14 22:07
上帝的話是我腳前的燈、是我路上的光 <詩篇119:105>

[聖經舊約] 創世記 2:4~2:25
025 巴西
2009/6/22 22:28
來自 台南
文章: 246
等級: 14; EXP: 66
HP: 0 / 341
MP: 82 / 14881

[更新日期] 2011.06.13

[大綱] 上帝造「地」和「天」的來歷:造人(羅馬書、歌林多前書:先有屬「地」的「亞當」,後有屬「天」的「亞當」)

2:4{以上是} 這(那)些 [這諸天] 和 [這陸地] 被創造 的 [諸世代(族譜/來歷)],
 {是} 在 [耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 造 [陸地] 和 [諸天] 的 [日子] 裡。
2:4the (these/those)  {are the} generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created,
 [are?] in {the} day that the LORD God made {the} earth and {the} heavens,
[註1]KJV和希伯來聖經都沒有 [are?] 此字,但為了使英文更清楚,故加上?(問號)。
[註2]希伯來原文 (英文版本):
 the (these/those) generations the heavens and of the earth in to be-created-of them
 in day-of to-make(do)-of Yahweh Elohim earth and heavens
[註3]上帝 造 [地 earth] 和 [諸天 heavens] 的計畫 = 為了 [人] 而 計畫 和 實行 的 教育課程,
 [地 earth] = [屬地的人],[諸天 heavens] = [屬天的人];
 在 [地 earth/屬地的人] 和 [諸天 heavens/屬天的人] 出現之前(兩種孩子出生之前),
 上帝 先 創造了 [育嬰房],[育嬰房] = [這諸天 the Heavens] + [這(陸)地 the Earth],
 上帝預備 [造人和救恩計畫] 創1:1/上帝創造 [育嬰床/諸天和地] 陸地被(路西弗/撒旦)毀壞
  創1:2~2:4/上帝修造 [育嬰床/諸天和地] 創2:4~啟22:21/上帝造 [屬地]和 [屬天] 的人
[註5] [1] 造 (make/do) = 使 產生 或 出現,或 使 [再次] 產生 或 [再次] 出現
[2] 創造 (create) = 以前從未存在的事,第1次 使 產生或出現
[註6] [創2:4] 是 一個 [承先啟後] 的句子:
  [承先] = 承接了 [創1:1] 和 [創 1:2~2:3] 的 [創造] 與 [復造/修復]
  [啟後] = 開啟後面 [創世紀 2:5]~[啟示錄22:21] 的 [人類的歷史]
  [人類的歷史] = 受造、犯罪、被咒詛、被驅逐、被律法管教而知罪與軟弱、回轉向上帝認罪悔改、被上帝的救恩所拯救、被接回上帝的家
[註6] [創2:4] 是 一個 [承先啟後] 的句子:
  [承先] = 承接了 [創1:1] 和 [創 1:2~2:3] 的 [創造] 與 [復造/修復]
  [啟後] = 開啟後面的 [人類的歷史:人類受造、犯罪、被咒詛、被驅逐、被上帝的救恩所拯救、被接回上帝的家]
2:5當時,[田野的各樣植物] 尚未 存在 於 [陸地],[田野各樣草本] 也尚未 發芽;
 因為 [耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 當時 尚未 使 [雨] 降 在 [陸地] 上,
 並且,在當時,[人陽單] 也 尚未 {受造}存在 去 耕種(服事) [土地/地面],
2:5And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew:
  for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth,
 and there was not a man to till the ground.
2:6但是,當時,有 [霧氣] 從 [陸地] 不斷的上升、去 滋潤(澆灌) [陸地] 的 [所有 各地(臉)面]。
2:6But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
2:7[耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 用 [地面上的塵土] 去 塑成 [人陽單],
 將 [生命陽複] 的 [氣息] 吹入 [他的鼻孔裡],
 [人陽單] 就變成了 [有 魂 的活人]。
2:7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground,
 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
[註][有 魂 的活人]:中文 = 魂 / 希伯來文 = nephesh / 英文 = soul
 [有 魂 的活人]:意指 [有自主之獨立意識] 的 [活人]
2:8[耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 在 [伊甸快樂] 裡,設立 [一座向東的園子],
 並且,把 [祂所塑造的 這人陽單] 安置 在 [那裡]。
2:8And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden;
 and there he put the man whom he had formed.
2:9[耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 使 [各樣的樹] 從 [地面] 長出來、是 悅人眼目的、好作食物的。
 在 [這座{向東的}園子] 的中央,又有 [生命樹] 和 [善惡知識的樹]。
2:9And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food;
 the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
2:10有 [1條河] 從 [伊甸快樂] 流出來、去 滋潤 [那座園子],
 並且,從 [{園子}那裡] 變為 4 個 {河流的} 源頭:
2:10And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
2:11[第 1 道河流] 的 [名字] 叫 [比遜增加]、環繞 [有金礦的哈腓拉] 的 [全地];
2:11The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;
2:12[那地的金子] 是 好的;在 [那裡] 又有 [沒藥屬之芳香樹脂] 和 [瑪瑙]。
2:12And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
2:13[第 2 道河流] 的 [名字] 叫 [基訓爆發]、環繞 [古實?/衣索比亞?] 的 [全地]。
2:13And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.
2:14[第 3 道河流] 的 [名字] 叫 [底格里斯迅速],流向 [亞述] 的 [東邊]。
2:14And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria.
2:14[第 4 道河流] 是 [幼發拉底河豐收]。
2:14And the fourth river is Euphrates.
人類受造、犯罪、被咒詛、被驅逐/人類受造:職責的承擔 與 命令的遵守
2:15[耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 帶著 [這人陽單],把 [他] 安置 在 [伊甸快樂 的 這座{向東的}園子],使 [他] 耕種(服事) 和 看守。
2:15And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
2:16[耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 命令 [他],說:
 「[這座園子裡的各樣的樹],從 [現在此時] 開始,你 可以去吃 to eat、之後 {你和你體內的後裔們} 也將可 不斷的 去吃 shalt eat
2:17[這棵善惡知識樹],禁吃,因從 [吃的日子] 開始,你 將會有死 to die、之後 {你和你體內的後裔們} 也將會 不斷的 有死 shalt die。」
2:16And the LORD God commanded the man, saying,
 Of every tree of the garden thou mayest [freely eat]:
2:17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:
 for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt [surely die].
[註2][freely eat]} 希伯來原文是 to eat, shalt eat (將有隨時任意而吃,之後的後代也將同樣不斷的可以隨時任意而吃)
[註3][surely die]} 希伯來原文是 to die, shalt die (將有不確定性的死亡發生,之後的後代也將同樣不斷的有死亡發生:壽終或意外而死)
2:18[耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 說:「[這人陽單] 獨居不好,[我] 要造 [一位幫助者] 給 [他]。」
2:18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
2:19[耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 把 [之前 祂用土所塑造的 各樣野生動物 和 各樣在諸天中會飛的活物]
 都帶到 [這人陽單] 的 [面前],
 看 [他] 叫(稱呼/命名) [牠們] [什麼(名字)],
 [這人陽單] 叫(稱呼/命名) [各樣 有魂 的活物] [什麼(名字)],那就是 [牠的名字]。
2:19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air;
 and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them:
 and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
2:20於是,[這人陽單] 就給 [一切牲畜] 和 [諸天的飛鳥]、[田野的活物] 都 取了 [名字];
 只是 [這人陽單] 還沒有 遇見(尋獲) [一位幫助者] 。
2:20And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field;
 but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
2:21[耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 使 [沉睡] 降臨到 [他],[他] 就睡著了;
 於是,[祂] 就取下了 [他的其中一條肋骨],然後,把 [肉] 閉合了。
2:21And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept:
 and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
2:22[耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 就用 [從這人的身上所取的那條肋骨] 去造了 [一位女人],
 並且 把 [她] 帶到 [這人陽單] 的 [面前]。
2:22And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
2:23於是,[這人陽單] 就說:
 「這次(現在/終於),這是 [我的諸骨之中的骨]、[我的肉中的肉],
 [她] 將被稱為『女人』,因為 [她] 是 從『{男}人』的 [身體] 取出來的。」
2:23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh:
 she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
2:24因此,[{男}人] 將 離開 [他的父母],去與 [他的妻子] 連合,[二人] 成為 [一體]。
2:24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife:
 and they shall be one flesh.
2:25當時,[這人陽單] 和 [他的妻子] 二人,是 [赤身露體的],並 不 羞恥。
2:25And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

發表日期2009/12/14 22:04
上帝的話是我腳前的燈、是我路上的光 <詩篇119:105>

[聖經舊約] 創世記 1:1~2:4
025 巴西
2009/6/22 22:28
來自 台南
文章: 246
等級: 14; EXP: 66
HP: 0 / 341
MP: 82 / 14881

創世記 第1章
[更新日期] 2013.05.10

[大綱] 上帝的創造、修復、休息

上帝 創造 諸天 和 地(earth)
1:1在 [起初],[上帝] 創造了 [諸天] 和 [地(earth)]。
1:1In {the} beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
上帝 修復(造) 諸天 和 地(earth)/第1日:光明、黑暗
1:2之後,[地(earth)] 變成了 [生氣(生命氣息)不存的虛空狀態] 和 [毀壞 所造成之殘破(難辨)的景象],
 並且,有 [黑暗] 在 [深淵/深處] 的 [眾(臉)面] 之上;
1:2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness {was} upon the faces of the deep.
 於是,[上帝] 的 [靈] 抖動{翅膀} 在 [眾水] 之 [眾(臉)面] 上。
1:2And the Spirit of God moved upon the faces of the waters.
1:3[上帝] 說:「要有 [光明]!」
 於是,就有了 [光明]。
1:3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
1:4[上帝] 看 [光明] 為 [美好(令人喜悅)的],
 [上帝] 就把 [光明] 和 [黑暗] 分開了。
1:4And God saw the light, that {it was} good:
 and God divided the light from the darkness.
1:5[上帝] 稱呼 [光明] 為 [日]、稱呼 [黑暗] 為 [夜]。
1:5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
1:5[傍晚(夜晚)] 臨到;[早晨] 臨到。{這是} 第 1 日。
1:5And the evening and the morning were the first day.
上帝 修復(造) 諸天 和 地(earth)/第2日:上眾水、穹蒼、下眾水
1:6[上帝] 說:
 「在 [眾水] 之間 要有 [穹蒼]、
 {把 [眾水]} 分開成為 [{上}眾水] 和 [{下}眾水]。」
1:6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,
1:7於是,[上帝] 就造出 [穹蒼],
 用來分隔 [穹蒼] 以下的 [眾水] 和 以上的 [眾水];
 {這事就} 確實(如此)實現了。
1:7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which {were} under the firmament
 from the waters which {were} above the firmament: and it was so.
1:8[上帝] 稱呼 [穹蒼] 為 [諸天]。
1:8And God called the firmament Heavens.
1:8[傍晚(夜晚)] 臨到;[早晨] 臨到。{這是} 第 2 日。
1:8And the evening and the morning were the second day.
上帝 修復(造) 諸天 和 地(earth)/第3日:陸地、眾海、植物
1:9[上帝] 說:
 「在 [諸天] 下面的 [眾水],要聚集 至 [一處],使 [乾地] 顯現。」
 {這事就} 確實(如此)實現了。
1:9And God said,
 Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place,
 and let the dry {land} appear: and it was so.
1:10[上帝] 稱呼 [乾地] 為 [陸地],
 並且,稱呼 [眾水] 之 [聚集處] 為 [眾海]。
 {這些事} [上帝] 看為 [美好(令人喜悅)的]。
1:10And God called the dry {land} Earth;
 and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas:
 and God saw that {it was} good.
1:11[上帝] 說:
 「[陸地] 要 生產(長出) [植被]、[結種子的綠色草本(菜蔬)]
 和 [結果子的果樹,各從其類,果核 在 果實 裡]。」
 {這事就} 確實(如此)實現了。
1:11And God said,
 Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed,
 {and} the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed {is} in itself, upon the earth:
 and it was so.
1:12於是,[陸地] 就產出了 [植被]、[結種子的綠色草本(菜蔬)],各從其類;
 和 [結果子的樹,各從其類,果核 在 果實 裡]。
 {這些事} [上帝] 看為 [美好(令人喜悅)的]。
1:12And the earth brought forth grass, {and} herb yielding seed after his kind,
 and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed {was} in itself, after his kind:
 and God saw that {it was} good.
1:13[傍晚(夜晚)] 臨到;[早晨] 臨到。{這是} 第 3 日。
 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
上帝 修復(造) 諸天 和 地(earth)/第4日:日.月.眾星 重現
1:14[上帝] 說:
 「在 [諸天] 的 [穹蒼] 要有 [眾光體],
 去 劃分 [日] 與 [夜],
 去 制訂 [諸記號(徵兆)]、[諸節令(節慶)]、[諸日數]、[諸年數],
1:15並且,發光 在 [諸天] 的 [穹蒼]、照耀 在 [陸地] 上。」
 {這事就} 確實(如此)實現了。
1:14And God said,
 Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night;
 and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
 (the day...: Heb. between the day and between the night)
1:15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
1:16於是,[上帝] 造了 [2 個大光體],
 [大的] 管轄 [日],[小的] 管轄 [夜],又 造了 [眾星],
1:16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day,
 and the lesser light to rule the night: {he made} the starsalso.
1:17於是,[上帝] 就把 [它們] 給予(安置) 在 [諸天] 的 [穹蒼]:
1:18照耀 在 [陸地]上、管理 [日] 和 [夜]、分別 [光明] 和 [黑暗]。
 {這些事} [上帝] 看為 [美好(令人喜悅)的]。
1:17And God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth,
1:18and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness:
 and God saw that {it was} good.
1:19[傍晚(夜晚)] 臨到;[早晨] 臨到。{這是} 第 4 日。
1:19And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
上帝 修復(造) 諸天 和 地(earth)/第5日:眾水的活物、穹蒼之有翅會飛的活物
1:20[上帝] 說:
 「要有 [會動 有魂 的活物] 多多滋生、充滿 [眾水];
 又要有 [會飛的活物] 飛翔 於 [陸地] 之上、[諸天] 的 [穹蒼] 的 [眾(臉)面] 之上。」
1:20And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life,
 and fowl {that} may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heavens.
1:21於是,[上帝] 就 創造了 [巨型的眾活物] 和 [各樣 會動 有魂 的活物]
 、於 [眾水] 裡、多多的滋生、各從其類,
 以及 [各樣 有翅 會飛 的 活物],各從其類。
 {這些事} [上帝] 看為 [美好(令人喜悅)的]。
1:21And God created the great whales, and every living creature that moveth,
 which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind,
 and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that {it was} good.
1:22[上帝] 就賜福給 [牠們],說:
 「大量的繁殖、充滿 在 [眾海] 的 [眾水];
 [會飛的活物] 倍增的繁殖 於 [陸地]。」
1:22And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply,
 and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
1:23[傍晚(夜晚)] 臨到;[早晨] 臨到。{這是} 第 5 日。
1:23And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
上帝 修復(造) 諸天 和 地(earth)/第6日:牲畜、野生活物、爬行活物、人類
1:24[上帝] 說:
 「 [陸地] 要生出 [有魂 的活物],各從其類;
 {這事就} 確實(如此)實現了。
1:24And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,
 cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
1:25於是,[上帝] 就造出 [陸地的野生活物],各從其類;
 {這些事} [上帝] 看為 [美好(令人喜悅)的]。
1:25And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind,
 and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that {it was} good.
1:26[上帝] 說:
 「讓 [我們] 照著 [我們的形像]、按著 [我們的樣式] 造 [1個人],使 [他們] 管理:
1:26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
 and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
 and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
1:27因此,[上帝] 照著 [祂{自己}的 形像] 創造了 [1個人],
 於是,就照著 [上帝] 的 [形像] 創造了 [他];創造了 [1男人] 和 [1女人]。
1:27So God created man in his {own} image, in the image of God created he him;
 male and female created he them.
[註][瑪拉基書2:15] 祂 當初不是只造 [1個人] 嗎?然而,祂 還有 剩餘的靈(力) 能造出 更多的人類;
 但是,為何 祂 只造了 [1個人] 呢?因為,祂 在尋找 [屬上帝的(虔誠)後裔]。
1:28[上帝] 就賜福給 [他們],又對 [他們]說:
 「要生養眾多,遍滿 [陸地] ,征服與治理 [陸地],
 並且 管理 [海之活物]、[諸天之會飛的活物] 和 在 [陸地之活動的各樣活物]。」
1:28And God blessed them, and God said unto them,
 Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:
 and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
 and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
1:29[上帝] 說:
 「看哪![我] 將 [陸地之各處上] 的 [各樣結種子的綠色草本(菜蔬)] 和 [各樣樹上會結有核的果實],
 全賜給 [你們] 作為 [食物],
1:30並且,[陸地之各樣活物]、[諸天之各樣會飛的活物]、[陸地之爬行 有魂 的各樣活物],
 [我] 將 [綠色的草本(菜蔬)] 賜給 [牠們] 作 [食物]。」
 {這事就} 確實(如此)實現了。
1:29And God said, Behold,
 I have given you every herb bearing seed, which {is} upon theface of all the earth,
 and every tree, in the which {is} the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
1:30And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air,
 and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein {there is} life,
 {I have given} every green herb for meat: and it was so.
1:31[上帝] 看見 [祂所造的一切{受造物}],
1:31And God saw every thing that he had made,
 and, behold, {it was} very good.
 [傍晚(夜晚)] 臨到;[早晨] 臨到。{這是} 第 6 日。
 And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
上帝 修復(造) 諸天 和 地(earth),完成/第7日:休息
2:1如此,[諸天]、[陸地] 和 [一切萬物] 都完成了。
2:1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
2:2到了 [第 7 日],[上帝] 完成了 [祂所做的 {造物} 工作],
 並且,在 [第 7 日],[祂] 就歇了 [祂所做的一切 {造物} 的工作]、休息了。
22And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made;
 and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
2:3[上帝] 賜福給 [第 7 日],將 [這日] 分別出來定為 [聖日];
 因為,在 [這日],[祂] 就歇了 [祂所創造和建造的一切工作]、休息了。
2:3And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it:
 because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
2:4{以上是} 這(那)些 [這諸天] 和 [這陸地] 被創造 的 [諸世代(族譜/來歷)],
 {是}在 [耶和華(雅威)名字] [上帝] 造 [陸地] 和 [諸天] 的 [日子] 裡。
2:4the (these/those)  {are the} generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created,
 [are?] in {the} day that the LORD God made {the} earth and {the} heavens,
[註1]KJV和希伯來聖經都沒有 [are?] 此字,但為了使英文更清楚,故加上?(問號)。
[註2]希伯來原文 (英文版本):
 the (these/those) generations the heavens and of the earth in to be-created-of them
 in day-of to-make(do)-of Yahweh Elohim earth and heavens
[註3]上帝 造 [地 earth] 和 [諸天 heavens] 的計畫 = 為了 [人] 而 計畫 和 實行 的 教育課程,
 [地 earth] = [屬地的人],[諸天 heavens] = [屬天的人];
 在 [地 earth/屬地的人] 和 [諸天 heavens/屬天的人] 出現之前(兩種孩子出生之前),
 上帝 先 創造了 [育嬰房],[育嬰房] = [這諸天 the Heavens] + [這(陸)地 the Earth],
 上帝預備 [造人和救恩計畫] 創1:1/上帝創造 [育嬰床/諸天和地] 陸地被(路西弗/撒旦)毀壞
  創1:2~2:4/上帝修造 [育嬰床/諸天和地] 創2:4~啟22:21/上帝造 [屬地]和 [屬天] 的人
[註5] [1] 造 (make/do) = 使 產生 或 出現,或 使 [再次] 產生 或 [再次] 出現
[2] 創造 (create) = 以前從未存在的事,第1次 使 產生或出現
[註6] [創2:4] 是 一個 [承先啟後] 的句子:
  [承先] = 承接了 [創1:1] 和 [創 1:2~2:3] 的 [創造] 與 [復造/修復]
  [啟後] = 開啟後面 [創世紀 2:5]~[啟示錄22:21] 的 [人類的歷史]
  [人類的歷史] = 受造、犯罪、被咒詛、被驅逐、被律法管教而知罪與軟弱、回轉向上帝認罪悔改、被上帝的救恩所拯救、被接回上帝的家

發表日期2009/12/14 22:03
上帝的話是我腳前的燈、是我路上的光 <詩篇119:105>

025 巴西
2009/6/22 22:28
來自 台南
文章: 246
等級: 14; EXP: 66
HP: 0 / 341
MP: 82 / 14881








發表日期2009/12/8 11:57
上帝的話是我腳前的燈、是我路上的光 <詩篇119:105>

025 巴西
2009/6/22 22:28
來自 台南
文章: 246
等級: 14; EXP: 66
HP: 0 / 341
MP: 82 / 14881



















* 關於這8位王,請參考: ... ost_id=1716#forumpost1716

發表日期2009/12/7 11:19
上帝的話是我腳前的燈、是我路上的光 <詩篇119:105>

025 巴西
2009/6/22 22:28
來自 台南
文章: 246
等級: 14; EXP: 66
HP: 0 / 341
MP: 82 / 14881

17:8 你所看見的獸,先前有,如今沒有,將要從無底坑裏上來,又要歸於沉淪。凡住在地上、名字從創世以來沒有記在生命冊上的,見先前有、如今沒有、以後再有的獸,就必希奇。
17:9 智慧的心在此可以思想。那7頭就是女人所坐的7座山,
17:10 又是7位王;5位已經傾倒了,1位還在,1位還沒有來到;他來的時候,必須暫時存留。
17:11 那先前有如今沒有的獸,就是第8位;他也和那7位同列,並且歸於沉淪。
17:12 你所看見的那10角就是10王;他們還沒有得國,但他們一時之間要和獸同得權柄,與王一樣。






(1)新巴比倫王:尼布甲尼撒(Nebuchadnezzar)(列王紀下 24:1)
(2)瑪代王。大流士(大利烏/Darius)(但以理書 9:1)
(3)波斯王。古列(Cyrus)(以斯拉記 5:13)



發表日期2009/12/7 11:08
上帝的話是我腳前的燈、是我路上的光 <詩篇119:105>

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